Open Source Software - Lab mission 2 - linux command line
Linux Command Line
[Lab mission]
(Chapter1) - What Is The Shell?
display the current time and date
display current month calendar
display current amount of free space on your disk
display free memory
(Chapter2) - Navigation
1.pwd (현재작업폴더)
print name of current working directory (폴더이동)
change directory (폴더의 내용물 리스트)
listing the contents of a directory
ls -a : list all file
ls -l : display result in long format
(Chapter3) - Exploring The System
print a brief description of the file’s contents
view the contents of the file. To exit less
(Chapter4) - Manipulating Files And Directories
1.cp (복사)
copy files and directories
cp -a : copy the files and directories and all of their attributes, including
ownerships and permissions.
cp -r : Recursively copy directories and their contents. (이동)
move/rename files and directories
3.mkdir (폴더만들기)
create directories
4.rm (삭제)
remove files and directories
rm -i : Before deleting an existing file, prompt the user for confirmation.
rm -r : Recursively delete directories. This means that if a directory being
deleted has subdirectories, delete them too. To delete a directory, this
option must be specified.
rm -f : Ignore nonexistent files and do not prompt. This overrides the interactive
5.ln (링크만들기)
create hard and symbolic links
To create a hard link : ln file link
To create a symbolic link where "item" is file or directory : ln -s item link
hard link
symbolic link
(Chapter5) - Working With Commands
Indicate how a command name is interpreted
type command
Display which executable program will be executed
Get help for shell builtins
Display a command’s manual page
Display a command’s info entry
Display a very brief description of a command
Create an alias for a command
alias test='cd java_src; ls; pwd'
(Chapter6) - Redirection
1. cat
Concatenate files
command1 | command2 : the standard output of one command can be piped into the
standard input of another.
2. sort
Sort lines of text
3. grep
Print lines matching a pattern
grep pattern [file....]
4. wc
Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
5. head
Output the first part of a file
6. tail
Output the last part of a file
(Chapter7) - Seeing The World As The Shell Sees it
1. echo
Display a line of text
Arithmetic Expansion
echo $((2 + 2))
<Operator Description>
+ Addition - Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
(but remember, since expansion only supports integer arithmetic, results are integers).
% Modulo, which simply means, “ remainder.”
** Exponentiation
(Chapter8) - Advanced Keyboard Tricks
Clear the screen
(Chapter9) - Permissions
1. id
Display user identity
2. chmod
Change a file’s mode
3. sudo
Execute a command as another user (superuser privileges가 필요할 때 super user로 접근)!
4. passwd
Change a user’s password
#(Chapter10) - Processes
1. ps
Report a snapshot of current processes
2. top
Display tasks
3. jobs
List active jobs
4. kill
Send a signal to a process
kill [-signal] PID...
5. shutdown
Shutdown or reboot the system
sudo reboot
sudo shutdown -h now
6. pstree
Outputs a process list arranged in a tree-like pattern showing the parent/child relationships between processes.
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